Reservoir Water Quality
Methods in this category are used to select the constituent and approach.
No water quality solution is performed. No slots are added.
Layered Salt
The layered salt slots are added (see
Layered Salt Slots). The Solve 2 Layer Salt dispatch method is made available.
Layered Temp
All temperature slots are added. The Solve 2 Layer Temperature dispatch method is made available.
Layered Temp and Salt
All temperature and layered salt slots are added (see
Layered Salt Slots). This method makes the Solve 2 Layer Temp and Salt dispatch method available.
Layered Temp and DO
All temperature and DO slots are added. This method makes the Solve 2 Layer Temp and DO dispatch method available.
Layered Temp Salt and DO
All temperature and DO slots are added. The layered salt slots are also added (see
Layered Salt Slots). This method makes the Solve 2 Layer Temp Salt and DO dispatch method available.
Well Mixed Salt
The well-mixed salt slots are added (see
Well-mixed Salt Slots). This method makes the Solve Weight Factor Salt and Solve Pred-Corr Salt sets of dispatch methods available.
Segmented 2 Layer Salt
The segmented salt slots are added (see
Segmented 2 Layer Salt Slots). This method makes the Solve Segmented 2 Layer Salt dispatch method available.
Outflow TDG using Tailwater Depth
Models the spill, turbine release and mixed outflow TDG concentration based on the depth of the tailwater.
Note: The method can be used in conjunction with optimization methods. In that case, this method also to compute partial derivatives that are used in subsequent optimization runs. Within Optimization, constraints are generated and the user can write policy to limit the change in deltas. See
Opt Outflow TDG Tailwater Depth.
This section describes the mathematical formulation and specifics of the methods used in this approach. It does not outline how to use the approach, however, which is beyond the scope of this document. Contact CADSWES for more information.
Note: TDG concentration is typically reported as the TDG saturation percentage. So a TDG of 115 is 115% of saturation. Some literature uses a decimal, 1.15, some use a percentage 115%. As a result, in RiverWare, all TDG concentrations use the FRACTION unit type. Then the user can choose to see values in either of the two user units: decimal or percent.
This method is available only if one of the “Regulated...” spill methods is selected. It is not available for the None, Monthly Spill, or Unregulated Spill methods
Slots Specific to This Method
Entrained Flow
Type: Series
Units: FLOW
Description: Entrained Flow is the portion of the Turbine Release that has air from the spillways entrained in it. In the tailrace, there are surface deflectors that attempt to move the spill horizontally and keep it from plunging into the tailrace. These deflectors attract water from the turbine release due to the increased velocity. This portion of the turbine release is then entrained with air from the spillways and has the TDG concentration of the spill. This value is nonnegative.
I/O: Output only.
Links: Not linkable
Inflow TDG Concentration
Type: Series
Units: Fraction
Description: This slot contains the inflow TDG concentration
I/O: Output or required input
Links: Linkable to upstream object’s Outflow TDG Concentration
Outflow TDG Concentration
Type: Series
Units: Fraction
Description: This slot shows the resulting Outflow TDG Concentration. The values can then be compared to the values in the Outflow TDG Concentration Estimate. Once the TDG solution has converged the values in this slot should be equal to the values in the Outflow TDG Concentration Estimate slot at all time steps (within a tolerance)
Spill TDG Concentration
Type: Series
Units: Fraction
Description: This slot shows the resulting Spill TDG Concentration.
Links: Not linkable
Tailwater Bottom Elevation
Type: Scalar
Units: Length
Description: Elevation at the bottom of the tailrace.
Information: The value in this slot is used in the TDGS computation to get the depth of tailwater.
I/O: Required input
Links: Not linkable
TDG c1
Type: Scalar
Units: Fraction
Description: Contains the constant in the TDG equation when Spill is zero.
I/O: Required input
Links: Not linkable
TDG Entrainment b1
Type: Scalar
Units: None
Description: Fraction of Spill that can be entrained. A portion of the Turbine Release up to this amount will have the same TDG concentration as the Spill.
I/O: Required input
TDG Entrainment b3
Type: Scalar
Units: Flow
Description: Constant of Spill that can be entrained. A portion of the Turbine Release up to this amount will have the same TDG concentration as the Spill.
I/O: Required input
TDG Spill b2
Type: Scalar
Units: PerLengthTime
Description: This scalar slot contains the coefficient in the Spill TDG Concentration equation.
Note: This unit type may need to be added.
I/O: Required input
Links: Not linkable
Turbine Release TDG Concentration
Type: Series
Units: Fraction
Description: This slot shows the resulting Turbine TDG Concentration. This is sometimes called the forebay concentration or the reservoir concentration.
Links: Not linkable
Spill and Turbine Release Limit
Type: Scalar
Units: Flow
Description: Lower bound for which spill and turbine release will be treated the same as higher flows. Below this flow limit, the computations will be modified.
I/O: Required input
Method Details
The method is executed by the two water quality dispatch methods.
First, some notation:
TDGS = Spill TDG Concentration
TDGT = Turbine Release TDG Concentration, concentration just above the dam.
TDGO = Outflow TDG Concentration
TDGI = Inflow TDG Concentration (linked to upstream reservoir’s TDGO
Qsm = Spill and Turbine Release Limit (calculations are changed for small flows)
Compute the TDGs:
TW is Tailwater Elevation.
TW0 is the elevation at the bottom of the tailrace, a project constant (scalar length).

is the density of water, a global constant. (internal, 999.7kg/m3)
g is the gravitation constant. (internal, 9.81m/s^2)
patm is the atmospheric pressure. (internal, 101325kg/(m*s)^2)
b2 is a project constant, TDG Entrainment b2, (1 / Length-Time).
Get the TDGT. This is the same as the TDGI which may be linked to an upstream reach that lags the TDG concentration by some number of timesteps.
Compute the Entrained Flow, QE:
QS = Spill
QT = Turbine Release
b1, TDG Entrainment b1, and b3, TDG Entrainment b3, are scalar constants for each project.
The final computation is to compute the TDGO. This is the mixed outflow concentration which could also be called the tailwater concentration.
If QT + QS = 0
c1 is a constant for each reservoir in fraction units.
To provide continuity with the concentration when outflow is zero, the concentration is adjusted when outflow is small.
If c1 >= 0
Else If QS < Qsm
End If