2007 RiverWare User Group Meeting
Preliminary Agenda
NCAR/UCAR Center Green Campus Auditorium
February 6-7, 2007

Final Agenda/Presentations

Online Registration


Preliminary Agenda

Registered Attendees


RiverWare Applications in Reclamation’s Great Plains Region

Donald Frevert (Reclamation Denver Technical Services Center), Michael Kube (Nebraska-Kansas Area Office), Patrick Erger (Great Plains Regional Office), Jeremy Giovando (Montana Area Office), Ronald Thomasson (Eastern Colorado Area Office), David King and John Treacy (Denver Technical Services Center)

During the past several months, interest has developed in Reclamation’s Great Plains region for using RiverWare on three different basins. This presentation will briefly outline the applications, issues, participants and implementation plans for use of RiverWare on the Central Platte River, Lake Elwell and Green Mountain Reservoir.

CADSWES - Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems
cadswes.colorado.edu -- edit January 29, 2007 -- e-mail webmaster