2015 RiverWare User Group Meeting Colorado River
NCAR/UCAR Center Green Campus Auditorium
  Tuesday, February 3, 8am - 5pm
  Wednesday, February 4, 8am – 12:30pm
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Southwestern Power Administration’s Use of RiverWare
Brad Vickers, Civil Engineer (Hydrologic) -Southwestern Power Administration, Tulsa, OK
Brief background on SWPA and what we do. How Riverware is being used in our data collection and report production automation. Description of the daily timestep model that we are currently developing to do weekly, monthly and long range operation planning. The model combines 5 different flood control basins, and includes 35 Storage Reservoirs, 17 Level Power Reservoir, and 4 Inline Power Plants and utilizes accounting to track the water utilization of various water users at several reservoirs. Discussion of the future use of RiverWare including developing a daily/ weekly scheduling model possibly with optimization.
Click HERE for a PDF version of the presentation slides.
☼ CADSWES.colorado.edu ☼ Last edited February 16, 2015

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