Item | Description |
Settings which apply to the entire canvas. This is always shown and cannot be deleted. | |
Teacups are shown in groups so that all data is consistent across the group. The Teacup Group defines the slots to use, where they are located, the size of the bars in the teacup, and the fonts for the label, axis, and text items. Teacup Groups can have bounding boxes, text items, and markers that are displayed for each teacup. In addition, a Teacup Group can have a Teacup legend to provide a key; see Teacup Legend. | |
A Teacup Legend is part of a Teacup Group and provides a key to the teacups. The maximum value, the current value, markers, text and the units are shown in the legend. | |
A teacup is shown for an object in the model. You can modify the name and change the corresponding data object, if necessary. | |
The Object Icon Group contains RiverWare icons representing the objects shown on the workspace. Object icons are shown in groups so that the text labels are consistent. Object Icon Groups can have bounding boxes and text items that are displayed for each Object icon. | |
The Object Icon specifies the Object to include in an Object Icon Group. You can also specify the labels to show and size for each icon. | |
Markers, representing a slot value, are horizontal lines shown on each teacup. Markers are added to the Teacup Group. You specify the line color, style and the slots to use. | |
A text group is a container for free standing text on the canvas. You can name the group and specify the font to use for all text items in the group. | |
There are two kinds of text items: 1. Free-standing text items are single-lines of text shown on the canvas. 2. Text items in teacup groups are single-lines of text shown below the teacup label of each teacup. Text items represent static text, one slot value, or the relationship of two slot values or a timestep. You specify the type of text you want and the corresponding slots. Also specify the color and any prefix or suffix text. | |
For better appearance, you may wish to add Bounding Boxes to Teacup Groups or Object Icon Groups so that a box is drawn around each teacup or icon. You can specify the color of the background and its opacity and the border color. | |
Flow Lines are shown in groups so that all data is consistent across the group. The Flow Line Group defines the unit type, minimum, and maximum values and their respective thicknesses along with the interval configuration. | |
The Flow Line item is part of a Flow Line Group. The Flow Line defines the specific slot to use along with the thresholds to use on that flow line. | |
The Flow Line Legend provides a key to the intervals and thicknesses of lines in the Flow Line Group. | |
The Canvas Line Group is a container for Canvas Lines. Canvas Lines in the group have the same thickness, color, symbol type and size. | |
Canvas Lines are used to create pointers or other line indicators on the canvas. Canvas lines are polylines with as many nodes as needed. | |
Image Groups are containers for Images. | |
You can add any jpg or png image to an image group. The image is then embedded in the output device. Also specify if it is on the foreground layer or background layer. | |
Chart Groups are containers for charts. | |
A Chart item is used to show a previously defined Chart within a Chart Group. |