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Windowing and Workspace
The following changes have been made to RiverWare windowing and the workspace
Window Layouts
A new Window Layout Manager, shown in a screenshot in Figure 6.9, allow you to save the sizes, positions, and states of many RiverWare windows and then reload them quickly during subsequent sessions. All layouts are saved in the model file and can be exported to and imported from an external file to share between models.
In this initial release, many common windows are supported by this tool including objects, slots, run control, plots, the workspace and RPL dialogs. Additional windows and other enhancements will be added in future releases.
For more information, see Window Manager in User Interface.
Figure 6.9  Screenshot of the new Window Layout Manager
Git Integration
If the currently loaded model file is part of a Git repository, the following is displayed in RiverWare:
• The current branch is displayed in the workspace window's title bar. See Figure 6.10.
• The current repository, current branch, and commit history for the loaded model file is displayed in the Model Info dialog. See Figure 6.11.
Figure 6.10  Screenshots of new Git repository displays in RiverWare
Figure 6.11  Screenshot of the File and then Model Info dialog showing Git Information
For more information, see Git Information in User Interface.
Revised: 12/06/2024