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The following changes were made to general Windowing.
Per-User Window Layouts
Previously, Window Layouts could only be saved in the model file. Now, you can create Per-User Window Layouts that are saved in a separate file so they are available to any of your RiverWare sessions. To support these, the Window Manager was reorganized so that there is now a panel of Model Window Layouts and a separate list of Per-User Window Layouts as shown below.
Figure 1.24  Window Manager showing new Per-User Window Layouts
As noted, the Per-User layouts are saved in a separate file. You specify in the settings manager that you want to enable Per-User layouts and the file to use.
Multi-Window Enhancements
The following changes were made to the Multi-Window. See Multi-Windows in User Interface for more information.
Window Manager Changes for Multi-Windows
Multi-Windows are now listed on a separate tab of the Window Manager as describe in Window Layouts and Multi-Windows Tabs.
Charts in Multi-Windows
Chart windows are now supported for docking in Multi-Windows and inclusion in window layouts. The chart menu now includes a Multi-Window docking button.
Diagnostics Output Window in Multi-Windows
Multi-Windows were enhanced to support docking of the Diagnostics Output Window. Now the Diagnostics Output Window can be shown as an independent window, docked in the SCT, or docked in a Multi-Window.
Figure 1.25  Multi-Window showing the docked Diagnostics Output Window
Window Manager Enhancements
The following enhancements were made to the Window Manager.
Window Layouts and Multi-Windows Tabs
The Window Manager was reorganized to have two tabs, one for Window Layouts and one for Multi-Windows. as shown in the screenshot below.
Figure 1.26  Window Manager tabs for Window Layouts and Multi-Windows
See Window Manager in User Interface for more information.
Multi-Window and Layout Ordering
In the Window Manager, up and down arrow buttons were added to the lists of layouts and Multi-Windows to allow control over the ordering. The ordering is saved in the model file.
See Editing Layouts in User Interface for more information.
Option to Apply Layout With/Without Closing
In the Window Manager, you can now right-click on a layout and choose to apply a layout but using the opposite setting than you have defined for the layout. That is, if the layout is configured to close windows first, there is a menu option to “Apply Layout, Without First Closing Windows”. The opposite option would be presented as appropriate. This provided quick access to these other options.
See Applying Layouts in User Interface for more information
Additional Workspace Window Information in Window Layouts
The Window Manager's layout list now includes additional information about the workspace when it appears in layouts, as shown in Figure 1.27 and described as follows:
• Docked panels are now listed as sub-items of the workspace item, with the state column indicating if the sub-item is shown, floating, or where it is docked.
• If the Workspace is in Compact display mode, this information is now indicated in the State column.
• The Workspace Animation Controls and Run Controls docked widgets now are included as top-level windows in the Window Layouts panel, when they are “floating” (shown but not docked in the Workspace). This allows a layout to include the docked panel without including the parent Workspace window.
These additions are shown in the screenshot.
Figure 1.27  Window Layout with additional workspace information
Revised: 01/10/2025