7:30-8:00 |
Registration, Check-in and Continental Breakfast |
8:00-8:10 |
Welcome, Introductions, and Logistics |
8:10-8:40 |
RiverWare News and Updates |
8:40-9:00 |
Scripts in RiverWare |
9:00-9:20 |
Off-Channel Reservoirs in Lower Colorado River Model (LCRA) and Associated Benefits |
Steve Setzer and John Carron - Hydros Consulting; Ron Anderson - LCRA |
9:20-9:40 |
Updates to a complex South Platte operations and planning model: better utilization of RiverWare objects and lessons learned |
Kelly DiNatale, Arista Hickman, Matt Bliss, Brian Macpherson - DiNatale Water Consultants |
9:40-10:00 |
Evaluation of Central Utah Project water supply variability and forecasting of future conditions |
Steve Thurin & Ted Shannon - HDR Engineering; Cort Lambson - Central Utah Water Conservancy District |
10:00-10:30 |
Break |
10:30-10:50 |
Truckee River Operating Agreement (TROA) Operational Forecasting and Accounting Model |
Caleb Erkman, Anthony Powell & Shane Coors - Precision Water Resources Engineering |
10:50-11:10 |
Reservoir Filling Options Assessment for the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) Using a Probabilistic Approach |
Zelalem T. Mekonnen - UCLA; Azeb Mersha - ENTRO; Kevin G.Wheeler - Water Balance Consulting |
11:10-11:30 |
Evaluating the Value of Information provided by Airborne Snow Observatory products in support of Reclamation Snowmelt Management using RiverWare Modeling |
Todd Vandegrift - BOR Technical Service Center |
11:30-11:50 |
Selected New Features in RiverWare |
11:50-1:20 |
Lunch - provided |
1:20-1:50 |
Output Utilities - Model Reports, Teacups, Plotting Enhancements, netCDF and more |
1:50-2:10 |
TAPER – A water management Tool for Flood Operations of the Arkansas River within Tulsa District
Jennifer Steffen, Jody Stringer, John Daylor - USACE, Tulsa District |
2:10-2:30 |
Modeling the impacts of Climate Change to Reservoirs, Water Users, and Environmental Flows in the Red River Basin |
Cody Hudson - INTERA |
2:30-2:50 |
Automated Parameter Estimation and Model Calibration in RiverWare |
John Craven, John Carron, & Steve Setzer - Hydros Consulting |
2:50-3:10 |
Break |
3:10-3:30 |
Migration of the Lerma-2004 Model from Stella to RiverWare |
Ángel Alfonso Villalobos de Alba & Alba Nélida García Beltrán - Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas; Mario López Pérez & Raúl López Corzo - Comisión Nacional del Agua |
3:30-3:50 |
Using Batch Mode to Run RiverWare Models for the use of Logic Testing and Model Change Verification |
Anthony Powell, Caleb Erkman, Shane Coors, & Heather Gacek - Precision Water Resources Engineering |
3:50-4:00 |
Enhancements to Engineering Methods and Water Quality |
4:00-4:20 |
URGWOM 2014: Headwaters, GW-Reservoir Interactions, and Monthly Timesteps |
Jesse Roach & Kyle Shour - Tetra Tech |
4:20-4:40 |
Soil Moisture Modeling in URGWOM |
Steve Setzer & John Carron - Hydros Consulting; Amy Louise & Marc Sidlow, USACE—Albuquerque; Nabil Shafike - NMISC; Greg Sullivan - Spronk Water Engineers |
4:40-5:00 |
Software Development and Maintenance, Releases and Tech Transfer |
Evening |
Social Event (TBD) |